10 little changes that can make a big difference in your career

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10 little changes that can make a big difference in your career

hello pals! Today I’m sharing little changes that can make a big difference to your career. As we all know, forging a career path can be hard, especially in the arts. So let me share some top tips for getting ahead! Let’s chat!

Remember that new jobs bring new skills and don’t be afraid to job hunt or apply for new positions within the company

Ask for help when you have too much on or you need further training 

Set boundaries to create a work/ life balance 

Turn off your phone so you focus better… or at least put it in aeroplane mode and put it in your drawer! 

Do you ‘harder’ tasks in the morning when you are more focused. This could be meetings, uncomfortable emails or spreadsheet work. But really try to use the morning for ‘focused’ work which needs more attention 

Listen to white noise if your colleagues are distracting

Plan your day, even if you don’t have any meetings scheduled 

Take a lunch break. It’s important to take a break 

Ask for more training to continuously try to learn and make yourself more ‘valuable’ when you update your cv 

At you next annual review, ask for salary raises and give examples of how you have added value to the company to justify it 

Finally… one big finance tip I just want to mention that not enough people talk about is your pension. Most jobs offer a workplace pension where they will contribute to your pension and they will match what you pay in up to a certain percentage. Make sure you are paying in the highest amount possible to get the maximum amount matched. For instance… if your employer is willing to match your contributions up to 5% make sure you are paying in 5% to get it matched. It could add up to thousands of pounds in the long run!

Also, if you have any old workplace pensions, make sure you transfer them into a new pension pot to make sure they are ‘found’ and active!

ta da! And there we have it! 10 little changes that can make a big difference in your career! I hope they help and let me know if you have any questions! Like these tips? Find more here!